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Morocco is a country in northern Africa,lies across the Strait of Gibraltar on the Mediterranean and looks out on the Atlantic from the northwest shoulder of Africa

country known for its diverse culture, Morocco lies in North Africa, and is home to a population of almost 34 million. Moroccan culture is a testimony to the fact that history and tradition are an integral part of a country.

Moroccan Culture: People, Clothing and Food in Morocco

A place where tradition blends with ethnicity, Morocco shares its international borders with Spain and Algeria. The picturesque rocky terrains and world renowned cuisines, along with its vibrant heritage, makes Morocco one of the most exotic places in the world. The uniqueness in every region contributes towards the national culture.

The Arabic name for Morocco is “Al Maghrib”, which means, “where the sun has set”. French is widely spoken in this country, but Moroccan Arabic is the local dialect of this region. A significant amount of revenue generated in Morocco comes from the tourism industry. Morocco also happens to be one of the leaders in the export of phosphates. The street markets in Morocco, which are a colorful sight are flooded with carpets, traditional dresses and other handicrafts. For tourists, the art of bargaining is decisive in determining that hawkers don’t burn a big hole in your pocket.

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